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Out with the old and in with the new.................. 2013 has arrived!!

OMG…. It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. I can still vividly remember bringing in 2012, and anticipating what the year had in store for me. I decided to opt out of “popping bottles” at a party this year, and instead take the time to reflect on my experiences in 2012, and meditate on what exactly I want to accomplish in 2013. I stopped making resolutions a couple of years ago because I always ended up breaking them before the end of January.

Instead of making resolutions, I decided with each new year I will simply aim for progress in any area of my life, whether it’s minor or major. I definitely made progress from 2011 to 2012, and this time next year I want to be able to look back and see that I’ve made progress as well. It’s so easy to become stagnant so I constantly do self-evaluations to check my growth.

With a new year comes a new beginning so with that being said, make the most out of 2013. If you have a dream, work on pursuing it. If you have an idea, work on turning it into reality. Go ahead and start whatever it is you’ve been putting off for so long. What I learned over time is that sometimes in order for change to occur, you have to change, and sometimes you have to change the people around you in order for that to happen.  I’ve also learned that if you keep doing the same thing, the same way, you’re going to get the SAME results. Aim for progress!

I wish everyone a blessed and prosperous new year! Make this year count! J        




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