I was so proud four years ago when the president was first elected, because for once race was put aside and the content of the candidate’s character was the determining factor in his victory. I absolutely adore the First Family and what they represent. It’s very disheartening to constantly see and hear negative stereotypes, opinions and generalizations about your race, so to see them is rejuvenating. Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t vote for the president just because he is black. I voted for him because I felt that he had the best intentions for the country. He is not a president without flaws, but I definitely feel that he’s trying to turn this country around in the right direction. The past four years of running this country was a bumpy road for him, and the next four years won’t be smooth sailing either. I can say with confidence I have no regrets about the decision that I made to vote for him twice. I salute you, Mr. President! We’ve made a lot of progress as a nation, but we still have a long way to go. I hope Dr. King is smiling down knowing that all of his hard work was not in vain and the dream that he envisioned so long ago is being fulfilled.
I was so proud four years ago when the president was first elected, because for once race was put aside and the content of the candidate’s character was the determining factor in his victory. I absolutely adore the First Family and what they represent. It’s very disheartening to constantly see and hear negative stereotypes, opinions and generalizations about your race, so to see them is rejuvenating. Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t vote for the president just because he is black. I voted for him because I felt that he had the best intentions for the country. He is not a president without flaws, but I definitely feel that he’s trying to turn this country around in the right direction. The past four years of running this country was a bumpy road for him, and the next four years won’t be smooth sailing either. I can say with confidence I have no regrets about the decision that I made to vote for him twice. I salute you, Mr. President! We’ve made a lot of progress as a nation, but we still have a long way to go. I hope Dr. King is smiling down knowing that all of his hard work was not in vain and the dream that he envisioned so long ago is being fulfilled.
Martin luther king's dream is a dream that every human being should share together a dream of world unity and the human race working together for the improvement of society everywhere. I probably will never see the day when their is global unity but I think someday it will exist also in a couple of hundred years I think that race will be none existed because their will be so much interracial breed you wont be able to label people by color. on another note it hurts me to see the racism direct at barack Obama America was built on racism and prejudice sadly and the disease is still alive and thriving. I am African American and personally I don't like to be call black or African American because technically I am neither I am American I have been fortuned enough to travel a lot and when you go oversea for the most part the people over there don't call you red,black,white or yellow they call you amnerican. I just hope that one day the human race bands together and tries to make the world better for each other. me personally I think that each generation that comes into exist should be better than the last on I think their will be a period in the future where people reflect on the past at racism and war and deem that stuff are barbaric and neanderthalic.