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Every Day Is A Day Of Thanksgiving

Every Thanksgiving my family and I sit around the dinner table and tell each other what we are thankful for. I always use that moment to reflect upon what I’m thankful for daily, not just on Thanksgiving Day.

I’m thankful for every day I wake up with breath in my lungs; for being able to see, the ability to talk and walk, and for the many other normal functions that I often take for granted. Although we bump heads from time to time, I’m so thankful for my friends and family because I know I wouldn’t be where I am now without their love and support. I’m thankful for the many people (good and bad) who I have crossed paths with; their presence has left an imprint on my life in some way. I’m thankful that even though I’m not quite where I want to be in life, I can look back and say I’m not where I used to be. I’m thankful for the trials and tribulations, the highs and lows, and the setbacks and the come-ups that I’ve experienced and will continue to face along my journey through life. Most importantly I’m thankful for a God who loves me unconditionally despite my flaws. I’m thankful for His many blessings and the opportunities that He gives me to be a blessing to others. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
From Ash.....


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